Live At Billy Bob's Texas The Gatlin Brothers CD
Live At Billy Bob's Texas The Gatlin Brothers CD

Gatlin Brothers CD / Recorded 4/19/2003 / Music /
Playlist :
1. Boogie and Beethoven
2. Night Time Magic
3. I Don't Wanna Cry
4. I've Done Enough Dyin' Today
5. I Just Wish You Were Someone I Love
6. Bitter They Are Harder They Fall
7. Broken Lady
8. Alleluia
9. Help Me
10. Stand Up
11. The Heart
12. Texas Medley
13. Houston (Means I'm One Day Closer To You)
14. All The Gold In California
15. Swing Down Chariot
16. Midnigt Choir
17. Boogie and Beethoven (reprise)
Price: $12.98